Goga Adjustable Dumbell Pack - 50kg

Goga Adjustable Dumbell Pack - 50kg

Price: KES KES 16,000.00


Category: Sports


Goga Adjustable Dumbell Pack - 50kg

A 50kg adjustable dumbbell pack is a versatile fitness equipment designed for strength training and muscle development. Here are some common uses and exercises associated with a set of adjustable dumbbells:

  1. Strength Training:

    • Upper Body Workouts: Adjustable dumbbells are excellent for targeting various muscle groups in the upper body, including the shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, and upper back.
    • Lower Body Workouts: While 50kg may be on the heavier side, it can still be used for exercises like lunges and squats, contributing to lower body strength.
  2. Isolation Exercises:

    • Bicep Curls: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, you can perform bicep curls to isolate and strengthen the muscles in your arms.
    • Tricep Extensions: Adjusting the weight as needed, tricep extensions help target the muscles in the back of your arms.
  3. Compound Exercises:

    • Shoulder Press: Pressing the dumbbells overhead engages the shoulder muscles, contributing to overall upper body strength.
    • Chest Press: Similar to a bench press, chest presses with dumbbells work the chest muscles.
  4. Core Workouts:

    • Russian Twists: Holding a single dumbbell or two, Russian twists engage the core muscles, helping with abdominal strength.
    • Woodchoppers: This exercise involves twisting the torso while holding a dumbbell, engaging both the core and obliques.
  5. Functional Training:

    • Farmers Walks: Carrying heavy dumbbells in each hand helps improve grip strength and overall stability.
    • Step-Ups: Holding dumbbells while performing step-ups adds resistance and enhances the intensity of the exercise.
  6. Total Body Workouts:

    • Full-Body Circuits: Incorporating various dumbbell exercises into a circuit routine ensures a comprehensive full-body workout.

It's important to note that the weight of 50kg might be challenging for beginners, so it's advisable to start with a weight that allows for proper form and gradually increase as strength improves. Additionally, always consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any existing health concerns.