Giga Bumper Plates 25kg (pair)

Giga Bumper Plates 25kg (pair)

Price: KES KES 27,000.00


Category: Sports


Giga Bumper Plates 25kg (pair)

Bumper plates are a type of weight plate used primarily in Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, and functional fitness training. Unlike traditional weight plates made of metal, bumper plates are made of dense rubber or urethane material, allowing them to be dropped from overhead without causing damage to the plates, the lifting platform, or the floor. Here's a detailed description of bumper plates:

  1. Construction: Bumper plates are made of solid rubber or urethane material, with a metal collar or hub in the center. The rubber or urethane material provides a cushioning effect when the plates are dropped, absorbing impact and reducing noise. The metal collar or hub is designed to fit onto Olympic-sized barbells with a 2-inch diameter sleeve.
  2. Color Coding: Bumper plates are often color-coded based on their weight to make them easily identifiable. While the specific color-coding may vary between manufacturers, it typically follows a standard color scheme:
  • Red: 55 pounds (25 kilograms)
  • Blue: 45 pounds (20 kilograms)
  • Yellow: 35 pounds (15 kilograms)
  • Green: 25 pounds (10 kilograms)
  • White: 15 pounds (5 kilograms)
  • Black: 10 pounds (5 kilograms)
  • Size and Diameter: Bumper plates are available in various sizes and thicknesses, with a standard outer diameter of 450 millimeters (17.7 inches) for full-size plates. The thickness of bumper plates varies depending on the weight, with heavier plates typically being thicker to maintain consistency in height when loaded onto the barbell.
  • Usage: Bumper plates are designed for dynamic weightlifting exercises that involve dropping the barbell from overhead, such as the snatch and the clean and jerk. They are also commonly used in CrossFit workouts, where fast-paced, high-intensity movements require quick transitions between exercises and minimal risk of damage to equipment.
  • Safety: Bumper plates provide a safer lifting environment compared to traditional metal plates when performing dynamic lifts that involve dropping the barbell from overhead. The rubber or urethane material absorbs impact and reduces the risk of damage to the plates, the barbell, the lifting platform, and the floor. This is especially important in commercial gyms and training facilities where multiple users may be lifting at the same time.
  • Versatility: While bumper plates are primarily used for Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit, they can also be used for a variety of other strength training exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses. The rubber or urethane material provides a secure grip when loading and unloading the barbell, making it easier to perform exercises safely and efficiently.
  • Maintenance: Bumper plates require minimal maintenance to keep them in good condition. They should be wiped down regularly with a damp cloth to remove dirt, sweat, and chalk buildup. Avoid storing bumper plates in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can cause the rubber or urethane material to degrade over time.
  • Overall, bumper plates are an essential piece of equipment for Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, and functional fitness training, providing a safe and effective way to perform dynamic lifts and high-intensity workouts. With their durable construction, color-coded design, and versatile usage, bumper plates are a valuable addition to any home gym or commercial training facility.