LNB Tee Door Cypress Standard Size Door

LNB Tee Door Cypress Standard Size Door

Price: KES KES 2,399.00


Category: Building & Construction


LNB Tee Door Cypress Standard Size Door

A Tee Door Cypress Standard Size Door is a versatile and durable entryway option crafted from high-quality cypress wood. Cypress is renowned for its natural durability and resistance to decay, making it an excellent choice for exterior doors.

This standard-sized door typically features a simple yet timeless design, characterized by its rectangular shape and clean lines. The "tee" in the name likely refers to the shape of the door when viewed from above, resembling the letter "T."

Cypress wood offers a beautiful, warm tone with subtle variations in color, ranging from pale yellow to light brown. Its straight grain and smooth texture contribute to its overall aesthetic appeal.

While the specific design details may vary, such as the addition of panels or glass inserts, a Tee Door Cypress Standard Size Door is typically designed to fit standard door frames, making it a convenient option for both new construction and renovation projects.

In addition to its natural beauty, a Tee Door Cypress Standard Size Door provides excellent insulation and weather resistance, helping to maintain indoor comfort while withstanding the elements.

Overall, this type of door combines functionality, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making it a popular choice for residential and commercial entrances alike.