LNB Panel mahogany Door

LNB Panel mahogany Door

Price: KES KES 3,600.00


Category: Building & Construction


LNB Panel Mahogany Door

The LNB Panel Mahogany Door is a classic and elegant door crafted from high-quality mahogany wood. It typically features multiple panels arranged vertically or horizontally, creating a sense of symmetry and balance in its design.

The rich, reddish-brown hue of the mahogany wood adds warmth and depth to the door, while the natural grain patterns provide texture and character. Each panel is carefully constructed and precisely fitted together, showcasing the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into its creation.

Depending on the specific design, the panels may be raised or recessed, adding visual interest and dimension to the door. Some Panel Mahogany Doors may also feature decorative elements such as beading or molding along the edges of the panels, further enhancing their aesthetic appeal.

These doors are not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting, thanks to the inherent strength and resilience of mahogany wood. Whether used as interior doors or entry doors, Panel Mahogany Doors bring a touch of sophistication and timeless elegance to any space, making them a popular choice for upscale homes, offices, and other architectural settings.