RUBBER WASHER (per packet)

RUBBER WASHER (per packet)

Price: KES KES 160.00


Category: Building & Construction


RUBBER WASHER (per packet)

Our rubber washers are specialized components used in roofing and construction applications to create a watertight seal between roofing materials and fasteners, such as roofing nails or screws. These washers are typically made from high-quality rubber or synthetic elastomers, which are known for their resilience, flexibility, and ability to withstand exposure to harsh weather conditions.

The primary function of our rubber washers is to prevent water infiltration through the holes created by fasteners in roofing materials. When a roofing nail or screw is driven through the washer, the rubber compresses, creating a tight seal around the fastener shaft. This seal effectively blocks water from seeping into the roof structure, preventing leaks and water damage.

Our rubber washers come in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different types of fasteners and roofing materials. They are designed to be durable and long-lasting, capable of withstanding temperature fluctuations, UV exposure, and other environmental factors without deteriorating or losing their sealing properties.

Overall, our rubber washers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and waterproofing of roofing systems, providing added protection against leaks and ensuring the longevity of the roof.