Giga 1.8Metre Olympic Bar - 1.8Metre

Giga 1.8Metre Olympic Bar - 1.8Metre

Price: KES KES 10,999.00


Category: Sports


Giga 1.8Metre Olympic Bar - 1.8Metre

An Olympic bar, also known as an Olympic weightlifting barbell, is a long, sturdy barbell designed specifically for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and other strength training exercises. It's called "Olympic" because it's the standard equipment used in Olympic weightlifting competitions. These bars are made to meet certain specifications set by various weightlifting organizations, such as the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF).

Here are the key features of an Olympic bar:

1.      Length and Weight: An Olympic bar typically measures 7 feet (2.2 meters) in length and weighs 20 kilograms (44 pounds) for men's bars or 15 kilograms (33 pounds) for women's bars. The length allows for a wide grip during exercises like the snatch and clean and jerk, which are common in Olympic weightlifting.

2.      Diameter: The diameter of the barbell shaft is usually around 28-29 millimeters (1.1-1.15 inches) for men's bars and slightly smaller for women's bars. The thickness of the bar affects the grip, and Olympic bars typically have a standardized diameter to ensure consistency in performance.

3.      Construction: Olympic bars are constructed from high-strength steel or alloy, making them durable and capable of withstanding heavy loads. The shaft is often coated with chrome or another protective finish to resist rust and corrosion. The ends of the bar, called the sleeves, are where weight plates are loaded and are typically made to rotate independently to reduce stress on the lifter's wrists during exercises.

4.      Knurling: Knurling refers to the textured pattern etched into the shaft of the bar to provide grip for the lifter. The knurling pattern can vary between bars, with some bars featuring aggressive knurling for a firm grip, while others have a smoother knurling pattern for less abrasive contact with the hands.

5.      Center Knurling: Some Olympic bars feature a center knurling strip in the middle of the shaft. This center knurling provides additional grip and stability during exercises like squats, where the barbell rests on the lifter's back.

6.      Sleeves: The sleeves of an Olympic bar are the rotating ends where weight plates are loaded. They are typically designed to accommodate Olympic-sized weight plates, which have a 2-inch diameter center hole. The sleeves often have grooves or ridges to help keep the plates in place and prevent them from sliding during lifts.

7.      Weight Capacity: Olympic bars are designed to handle heavy loads, with weight capacities ranging from 600 pounds to over 1,000 pounds, depending on the specific bar's construction and intended use.

Overall, the Olympic bar is a foundational piece of equipment in weightlifting and strength training. Its standardized design, durability, and performance make it the preferred choice for serious lifters and competitive athletes worldwide.