Giga Circuit size stepper with two risers

Giga Circuit size stepper with two risers

Price: KES KES 12,000.00


Category: Sports


Giga Circuit size stepper with two risers

A circuit-size stepper with two risers is a type of aerobic fitness equipment designed to simulate the motion of climbing stairs. It consists of a sturdy platform with pedals that move up and down in a stepping motion, providing a low-impact cardiovascular workout. The addition of risers allows users to adjust the height of the platform, increasing or decreasing the intensity of the workout. Here's a detailed description of a circuit-size stepper with two risers:

  1. Platform: The stepper platform is typically made of durable plastic or metal and is equipped with non-slip surfaces to provide stability and traction during workouts. The platform is wide enough to accommodate both feet comfortably and is designed to support the user's weight during stepping movements.
  2. Pedals: The stepper pedals are attached to the platform and move up and down in a stepping motion when pushed with the feet. The pedals are usually textured or ribbed to prevent slippage and provide a secure grip during workouts. Some steppers may have adjustable pedal resistance to customize the intensity of the workout.
  3. Risers: The stepper comes with two risers, which are additional platforms that can be attached to the base platform to increase the height of the step. The risers are typically made of the same durable material as the base platform and are designed to securely stack on top of each other. Adding risers increases the vertical distance the user must step, making the workout more challenging and engaging.
  4. Adjustability: The circuit-size stepper with two risers offers adjustable height options to accommodate users of different fitness levels and preferences. Users can choose to use the stepper with no risers for a lower intensity workout or add one or both risers to increase the height of the step and intensity of the workout.
  5. Compact Design: The circuit-size stepper with two risers is compact and lightweight, making it ideal for home use or smaller workout spaces. It can be easily stored in a closet or under a bed when not in use, making it convenient for users with limited space.
  6. Low-Impact Workout: Stepping on the circuit-size stepper provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout that is gentle on the joints and suitable for users of all fitness levels. The stepping motion helps improve cardiovascular health, endurance, and lower body strength without putting excessive strain on the knees, hips, or ankles.
  7. Versatility: In addition to basic stepping movements, users can perform a variety of exercises on the circuit-size stepper with two risers to target different muscle groups and add variety to their workouts. These exercises may include:
  • Lateral step-ups
  • Calf raises
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • High knees
  • Kickbacks
  • Side leg lifts

Overall, the circuit-size stepper with two risers is a versatile and effective fitness tool that provides a convenient way to improve cardiovascular health, lower body strength, and endurance. With its adjustable height options, compact design, and low-impact nature, it's an excellent choice for users looking to add variety and intensity to their workouts in a limited space.